Unreported Opinions Index

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The opinions posted on this page are UNREPORTED. An unreported opinion may not be cited in any paper, brief, motion, or other document filed in this Court, or any other Maryland court, as either precedent within the rule of stare decisis or as persuasive authority. Maryland Rule 1-104.

Unreported opinions filed from May 1, 2015 to present are available through the Main Directory of Unreported Appellate Opinions. For opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015, only a reference to the decision is available. Copies of unreported opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015 are available from the Clerk's office.


Court Filed Docket File Term Judge Appellant Appellee
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 2089 10 Eyler, D. In Re; Adoption of Alonza D.
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 0570 10 Alpert DiMattei, Michael Paul State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 2221 09 Moylan Roberts, Barry Cleveland State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 1960 09 Graeff Bowman, Alan State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 1153 10 Raker Cobb, Freddie Lee State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 2798 09 Raker Rubuyi, Shirley Mae State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 0409 10 Moylan Kearney, Jerome State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 3023 09 Watts Sweeney, Larry Dwayne Jr. State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 1347 09 Kenney Mills, Donald Bruce State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 0569 10 Alpert Steffy, Erin Eileen State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 2779 09 Raker Toth, Svetlana V. State
Court of Special Appeals 05-24-2011 2664 09 Thieme Smith, India State
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 0671 09 Woodward Zar Cloverland
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 2100 10 Salmon In Re: Adoption of John H.
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 1158 09 Raker Walker Dept. of Corrections
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 0303 10 Eyler, D. Betskoff Groff Construction
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 1789 09 Thieme Sebree, Irvin State
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 0263 10 Watts Wargo Dept. of Health
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 2075 09 Eyler, D. Gardner Gardner
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 2790 09 Watts Bosch Geesing
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 1770 09 Zarnoch Samuel McCarthy
Court of Special Appeals 05-23-2011 1794 10 Eyler, J. Baltimore Police Hamilton
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 0320 09 Eyler State Getachew
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 1616 09 Meredith Geyer State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 0906 09 Thieme Morris State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 0889 09 Meredith Salvatore State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 0576 09 Sharer Pompey State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 2458 09 Krauser Shipman State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 1964 09 Sharer Jackson State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 0180 10 Meredith Baker State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 1013 09 Kehoe Williams State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 0860 09 Graeff Bannerman State
Court of Special Appeals 05-20-2011 2054 09 Eyler, D. Brazzley State
Court of Special Appeals 05-19-2011 2349 09 Graeff Injety Zambetis Properties
Court of Special Appeals 05-19-2011 2291 09 Sharer Saul Morral
Court of Special Appeals 05-19-2011 0152 10 Eyler, D. Black State
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 0035 10 Graeff Porter Thompkins
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 2930 09 Kehoe Erie Insurance Forman
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 0365 10 Graeff Rowland Rowland
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 0623 09 Kenney Skovron Ruby
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 1269 09 Kenney Dorado Hills State Farm
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 2500 09 Zarnoch Hucik Baltimore County
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 0100 10 Rodowsky Foster Foster
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 1239 09 Sharer Hill-Gilchrist Lyonswood
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 0507 10 Zarnoch Kendall Howard County
Court of Special Appeals 05-18-2011 1848 09 Salmon Glick Worcester County
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 0284 10 Eyler Kappelman Kappelman
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 1636 08 Salmon Cross State
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 2860 09 Raker 4 Aces Bail Bonds State
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 1769 09 Salmon Simms State
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 1653 10 Wright In Re: Adoption/Guardianship Kamus M.
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 2786 09 Sharer King Thompson
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 0364 10 Watts Newsome Macy's Retail
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 2994 09 Thieme Davis State
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 0263 09 Salmon Hope State
Court of Special Appeals 05-17-2011 2232 09 Sharer In Re: Pete P.
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 0532 10 Davis Gordon, Liley Lee State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 1915 09 Eyler, J. Hayes, Derrick State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 2280 09 Eyler, D. Bowers, Jonathan David State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 1821 09 Zarnoch In Re: Tyquan B.
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 0427 10 Raker Key, Johrel Lamar State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 2935 09 Matricciani Harden, Russell Kelscoe State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 0617 10 Wright Young, Emanuel State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 0319 09 Eyler, J. Hayes, Derrick State
Court of Special Appeals 05-11-2011 2419 09 Moylan Wilmore, Andrew D. State
Court of Special Appeals 05-10-2011 0618 09 Meredith Turner, Barry Dion State
Court of Special Appeals 05-10-2011 1615 10 Watts In Re: Destiny S., Eric S. and Elijah S.
Court of Special Appeals 05-10-2011 1620 09 Wright Woods, Robert Dennis State
Court of Special Appeals 05-10-2011 1652 10 Eyler, J. Peck Peck
Court of Special Appeals 05-10-2011 1304 09 Kenney Wiggins, Rodney Sylvester Jr. State
Court of Special Appeals 05-10-2011 1998 09 Raker Taylor, Anthony State
Court of Special Appeals 05-06-2011 0740 08 Krauser Ashwood, Floyd Darrell State
Court of Special Appeals 05-06-2011 0868 10 Krauser Nelson, Nathaniel State
Court of Special Appeals 05-06-2011 1810 09 Krauser Howard, Ronald C. State
Court of Special Appeals 05-06-2011 0903 10 Krauser Brown, Vernon Edward State
Court of Special Appeals 05-06-2011 1817 10 Krauser Moore, Abraham State
Court of Special Appeals 05-05-2011 1798 10 Kehoe In Re: Aquashia B.
Court of Special Appeals 05-04-2011 2513 10 Krauser State McBroom, Ivan Anthony
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0653 09 Graeff Anderson, Dwayne State
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0290 10 Leasure Dept. of Health Grosso
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 1570 09 Matricciani Hoffman Tauro, I.C.S.A.
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0067 10 Matricciani Simon-John John
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 2900 09 Wright Tani-Olu Montgomery County
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0040 10 Moylan Mori Allied Tech
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0052 10 Wright Goodenough Smith
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 2724 09 Graeff Desai Abou-Zeid
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0361 10 Matricciani Williams Eliff
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 2743 09 Kehoe In the Matter of Jimmy E.
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0294 10 Rodowsky Szczerbicki ITLOG
Court of Special Appeals 05-03-2011 0282 10 Watts Aris Monarc