Court Help Videos

Have a legal problem and don’t know where to begin? These videos may help. Each video includes transcripts in English and Spanish, a tip sheet, and links to resources, forms, and court services. Watch this 30-second preview to see how the Court Help Video Library works.

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Law Topics
What is service of process? Expungement? Rent Escrow? Each video in this series tackles a specific legal subject.

Representing myself
Court Basics
From filing fees to court interpreters, videos in this series deliver fundamentals on how the court operates.

Rent court for tenants
Considering becoming a guardian? Have you been appointed? This video series has the information you need for success.
Rent court for tenants
Get Started
Should you represent yourself? Or should you get a lawyer? These videos help get you on track to self-representation.
Rent court for tenants

Full Video Library

Title Sort ascending Category Date
원격 심리 4부: Zoom에서 법정 통역사와 협력하는 방법 Court Basics
법정 통역사가 필요하십니까? 2부: 통역사와 함께 작업하는 방법 Court Basics
법정 통역사가 필요하십니까? 1부: 통역사 요청 방법 Court Basics
需要法庭口译员? 第 2 步:如何与您的口译员合作 Court Basics
需要法庭口译员? 第 1 节:如何申请提供口译员 Court Basics
远程听证会第 4 部分:如何在 Zoom 上与法庭口译员合作 Court Basics
Удаленные слушания, часть 4: как работать с судебным переводчиком в Zoom Court Basics
Вам нужны услуги судебного устного переводчика? Часть 2. Как работать с переводчиком Court Basics
Вам нужен судебный устный переводчик? Часть 1. Как запросить услуги устного переводчика Court Basics
¿Necesita un intérprete del tribunal? Video 2 de 2: Cómo trabajar con su intérprete Court Basics
¿Necesita un intérprete del tribunal? Vídeo 1 de 2: Cómo solicitar un intérprete Court Basics
What is the Law? Getting Started
Vous avez besoin d'un interprète judiciaire ? Partie 2 : Comment faire une demande de services d’interprétation Court Basics
Vous avez besoin d'un interprète judiciaire ? Partie 1 : Comment faire une demande de services d’interprétation Court Basics
Violencia doméstica, parte 6: Hacer cumplir o modificar una orden de protección Family
Violencia doméstica, parte 5: Audiencias de las órdenes de protección Family
Violencia doméstica, parte 4: ¿Le han notificado con una orden de protección? Family
Violencia doméstica, parte 3: Cómo presentar una orden de protección Family
Violencia doméstica, parte 2: Salvaguardas de las órdenes de protección Family
Violencia doméstica, parte 1: ¿Puedo obtener una orden de protección? Family
Traffic Citations Law Topics
Tips for Your Day in Court Court Basics
The Rights and Roles of Victims of Crime Part 2: The Rights of Victims of Crime Law Topics
The Rights and Roles of Victims of Crime Part 1: The Roles of Victims of Crime Law Topics
The Foreclosure Process Law Topics
Should I Represent Myself? Getting Started
Service of Process: How to Serve a Business Law Topics
Service of Process in the District Court Law Topics
Service of Process in the Circuit Court Law Topics
Restricted Information Form Law Topics
Rent Escrow Part 2: The Rent Escrow Process Law Topics
Rent Escrow Part 1: What is Rent Escrow? Law Topics
Rent Court for Tenants Part 2: Right of Redemption and Eviction Law Topics
Rent Court for Tenants Part 1: Notice and Trial Law Topics
Rent Court for Landlords Part 2: I Won in Rent Court, Now What? Law Topics
Rent Court for Landlords Part 1: How to Start your Case in Rent Court Law Topics
Remote Hearings Part 6: Tips for Attorneys Court Basics
Remote Hearings Part 5: Tips on Accessibility During Court Hearings on Zoom Court Basics
Remote Hearings Part 4: How to Work with a Court Interpreter on Zoom Court Basics
Remote Hearings Part 3: Tips for Participating in a Hearing on Zoom Using a Phone Court Basics
Remote Hearings Part 2: Tips for Participating in a Hearing on Zoom Court Basics
Remote Hearings Part 1: Preparing for a Remote Hearing Court Basics
Planes de crianza (parte 7): Cómo modificar un plan de crianza Family
Planes de crianza (parte 6): ¿Qué sucede si no podemos llegar a un acuerdo sobre un plan de crianza? Family
Planes de crianza (parte 5): Estamos de acuerdo en un plan de crianza. ¿Y ahora qué sigue? Family
Planes de crianza (parte 4): ¿Qué tomará en consideración el tribunal? Family
Planes de crianza (parte 3): Consejos para elaborar un plan de crianza Family
Planes de crianza (parte 2): ¿Cómo creamos un plan de crianza? Family
Planes de crianza (parte 1): ¿Por qué necesitamos un plan de crianza? Family
Peace Orders Series: How to Get a Peace Order Family
Peace Orders Series: Have You Been Served with a Peace Order? Family
Peace Orders Series: Can I Get a Peace Order? Family
Part 4: Name Change Series: Objecting to a Name Change Family
Part 3: Objecting to a Judicial Declaration of Gender Identity of a Minor Family
Part 3: Name Change Series: Name Change with Marriage or Divorce Family
Part 2: Name Change Series: Name Change for Children Family
Part 2: Judicial Declaration of Gender Identity of a Minor Family
Part 1: Name Change Series: Name Change for Adults Family
Part 1: Judicial Declaration of Gender Identity of an Adult Family
Parenting Plan Series: Why Do I Need a Parenting Plan? Family
Parenting Plan Series: What Will the Court Consider? Family
Parenting Plan Series: What if We Cannot Agree on a Parenting Plan? Family
Parenting Plan Series: We Agree on a Parenting Plan. Now What? Family
Parenting Plan Series: Parenting Plan Tips Family
Parenting Plan Series: How to Change a Parenting Plan Family
Parenting Plan Series: How Do I Create a Parenting Plan? Family
Overview of Maryland Courts Court Basics
Need an ASL Interpreter? Part Two: How to Work with Your ASL Interpreter Court Basics
Need an ASL Interpreter? Part One: How to Request an ASL Interpreter Court Basics
Need a Court Interpreter? Part 2: How to Work with an Interpreter Court Basics
Need a Court Interpreter? Part 1: How to Request an Interpreter Court Basics
Mediation Part 4: Common Questions After Mediation Law Topics
Mediation Part 3: How to Participate in Mediation Law Topics
Mediation Part 2: How Do I Find a Mediator? Law Topics
Mediation Part 1: What is Mediation? Law Topics
Marriage License Family
Mandamus Law Topics
How to Research the Law: Getting Started Getting Started
How to Research the Law: Diving In Getting Started
How to Find the Deed to Your Property Court Basics
How to File a Small Claim Law Topics
How Do I Get a Copy of My Criminal Case? Court Basics
Hiring and Working with Your Lawyer Getting Started
Foreclosure Mediation Law Topics
Finding Your Judgment of Divorce Court Basics
Finding Legal Help in a Criminal Case Getting Started
Finding Legal Help in a Civil Case Getting Started
Family Services Part 7: Supervised Visitation and Monitored Exchanges Family
Family Services Part 6: Family Mediation Family
Family Services Part 5: Parenting Education Family
Family Services Part 4: Child Counsel Family
Family Services Part 3: Mental health evaluations, home studies, and drug and alcohol screenings Family
Family Services Part 2: Custody and Specific Issue Evaluations Family
Family Services Part 1: Introduction Family
Expungement Series: When to File Law Topics
Expungement Series: Probation Before Judgment Law Topics
Expungement Series: How to File Law Topics
Expungement Series: Guilty Disposition Law Topics
Expungement Series: Forms Law Topics
Expungement Series: Favorable Disposition Law Topics
Expungement Series: Cannabis Charges Expungement Series
Domestic Violence Part 6: Enforcing or Changing a Protective Order Family
Domestic Violence Part 5: Protective Order Hearings Family
Domestic Violence Part 4: Did You Get Served with a Protective Order? Family
Domestic Violence Part 3: How to File for a Protective Order Family
Domestic Violence Part 2: Protective Order Safeguards Family
Domestic Violence Part 1: Can I Get a Protective Order? Family
Divorce Series: What Type of Divorce Do I Need? Family
Divorce Series: Use and Possession Family
Divorce Series: Mutual Consent Divorce Family
Divorce Series: How to Restore Your Former Name Family
Divorce Series: How to File for Divorce Family
Divorce Series: How the Court Divides Jointly-Owned Property Family
Divorce Series: Forms You Need to File Family
Divorce Series: Determining a Legal Reason (or Ground) for Divorce Family
Divorce Series: Asking for Spousal Support or Alimony Family
Discovery in the Circuit Court Law Topics
Defending a Small Claim Law Topics
Child Welfare - The Court's Role Family
Child Welfare - People You Will Meet Family
Child Welfare - Hearings Family
Child Custody - Trial Family
Child Custody - Proceedings Family
Child Custody - Important Terms Family
Child Custody - How to File Family
Case Search Court Basics
Can't Afford Court Filing Fees? Court Basics
Can't Afford Appellate Costs? Court Basics
Before You File a Small Claim Law Topics
Before Court: Preparing for Your Day in Court Court Basics
Audiencias remotas, parte 4: Cómo trabajar con un intérprete judicial en Zoom Court Basics
Audiences à distance - Partie 4 : Comment travailler avec un interprète judiciaire sur Zoom Court Basics
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 9: Exploring the Options with a Mediator Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 8: Supported Decision-Making Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 7: Banking services, ABLE Accounts, Trusts, and Specific Transactions Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 6: Representative Payees Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 5: Powers of Attorney Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 4: Assistance with Personal Needs Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 3: Surrogate Decision-Making Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 2: Advance Directives Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 1: Introduction Family
Alternatives to Guardianship Part 10: Preparing for Mediation Family
Adult Guardianship: The Role of Guardian of the Property Law Topics
Adult Guardianship: The Role of Guardian of the Person Law Topics
Adult Guardianship: Introduction to Adult Guardianship Law Topics
Administrative Appeals Law Topics
Accommodations Court Basics