Civil Fees

The Clerk's Office accepts the following method of payments: Attorney's Checks, Certified Checks, Money Orders, Cash and Credit Card (Mastercard/Visa)

Fee TypeCostDescription
Action - Individual
w/o Attorney
$165.00Includes $80.00 Filing Fee, $55.00 MLSC Surcharge and $30.00 Records Improvement Fund. Civil Actions would include the following -- Adoptions, Divorce, Guardianship, Personal Injury, Mechanics Lien, Change of Name, Foreclosure, Lis Pendens, Condemnation, Miscellaneous, Confessed Judgments, Habeas Corpus, and Foreclosure. No Charge in Advance for Prayer for Jury Trial from District Court
Action -- Individual w/Attorney$185.00Same as Above
Action -- Annual Fiduciary Report
Review Fee for Trust Clerk


Accounts up to $10,000
Accounts $10,001 - $25,000
Accounts over $25,000
Action -- Interest-Bearing Account$25.00 
Action -- Petition for Confirmation of Arbitration$95.00 
Appeal$165.00Appeals includes the following: MVA, Zoning & District Court, Unemployment Case (No Charge if filed by Employee only), Workers Compensation Case (No Charge in Advance -- billed at end) and Domestic Violence or Peace Orders (No Charge)
Appeal -- Appellate Court of Maryland$121.00Preparation of the Record and Appellate Court of Maryland Fees. Make Check Payable to: Clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford County
Attorney Appearance$20.00Per Firm
Attorney Appearance -- Out of State$100.00 
Copies -- Certification (i.e. Judgment of Divorce)$5.00Plus $.50 per page for copies
Copies -- Exemplification Fee$10.00Plus $.50 per page for copies (includes Certification Fee)
Copies -- Per Page$0.50 
Dismissal -- Partial or Full$15.00Plus any open Court Costs
Foreclosure -- Mortgage/Deed of Trust on Residential Property$300.00In addition to any other Filing Fees required by law
Foreclosure -- Request for Mediation on Owner Occupied Residential Property$50.00No Personal Checks
Judgment -- Assignment of, Credit on, Modification of, Release of, or Satisfaction$15.00 
Judgment -- District Court$15.00Filed at District Court and forwarded to Circuit Court
Judgment -- Foreign (Another State)$110.00Includes $25.00 Filing Fee; $55.00 MLSC Surcharge and $30.00 Records Improvement Fund
Judgment -- Recorded (Another County)$15.00 
Judgment -- Renewal of$15.00 
Liens -- Federal$3.00Bills are sent several times a year
Liens -- Hospital$3.00 
Lis PendensN/APursuant to MD Rule 12-102(b) Lis Pendens are Non-Judicial Filings and should be recorded in the Land Records Department at the Clerk’s Office.
Post Activity Judgment$31.00Examples to include: Petition for Contempt, Petition for Modification, Earnings Withholding, Execution, Garnishments, Interrogatories in Aid of Execution, Supplemental Proceedings, Charging Order
Redemption Cases (w/o Attorney)$165.00